Archive for the ‘organic farm’ Category

maybank and mulberries eco weaver hostel opening

Maybank Foundation Expands Silk Weaving Centre in Laos

Our partner, the Maybank Foundation has expanded its Maybank Women Eco-Weavers centre in Laos with the addition of a hostel for the women who are being trained in this traditional skill. (more…)

kommaly chanthavong

Lao Airlines Inflight Magazine

“Oh my goodness that’s me!” Our founder Kommaly Chanthavong, on a recent Lao Airlines flight was pleasantly surprised to see an article in the inflight magazine, about the Mulberries Organic Silk Farm in Xieng Khouang.

You can read the full article here:

The Guardian article

Turning bombs into spoons – The Guardian article

John Dennehy visited Mulberries Silk Farm and interviewed Mulberries founder Kommaly Chanthavong about the problems of UXOs in North-eastern Laos and how Mulberries Silk Farm is helping to create a better future for locals.

Read The Guardian article.

Visit our organic mulberry farm

Situated in the northern central highlands of Laos, the Mulberries Organic Farm is open to visitors... read more

Mulberry picking time

It’s one of our favourite times of the year in Laos. Mulberry picking season!